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Our schedule changes throughout the year as students learn and grow. Students will get instruction in both whole group and small group settings.  If you ever have a question about what we are working on or our schedule for a specific day please reach out.

We will spend the first quarter of the year getting to know each other! We will become experts on ourselves and our names and work to teach those things to our classmates.  We will learn many kindergarten routines during this time.  We will also work on learning our letters, writing our names, listening to stories, looking at books, making pictures and using all sorts of writing tools. In math we will work on counting to 10 and learning our 2D shapes.

The second quarter of the year we will continue to learn our letters and begin learning what sounds those letters make.  We will begin to match those letters to things in the pictures we draw and begin learning SNAP words.  In math we will work on counting to 32 and putting two smaller groups together to make a larger number.  We will also work on identifying emotions and solving conflicts with our peers.

During the third quarter all of our work reciting poems, playing with phonics and learning our letters will come together as we begin to read and write simple words.  We will work on changing one letter in a word to make a new word.  We will use all we know about phonics and SNAP words to tell stories. In math we will work on composing and decomposing numbers, 3D shapes and comparing numbers.

In quarter 4 all of our hard work comes together!  Students will use there phonics and SNAP word skills to read stories and write sentences!  We will work on addition and subtraction using objects to help us.


Ms.Wenzel’s Daily Schedule

7:55-8:25 Breakfast and Morning Work

8:25-9:00 Morning Meeting/Calendar Math

9:00-9:20 Reading

9:20-9:50 Phonics

9:50-10:00 Phonemic Awareness

10:00-10:55 Specialist

10:55-11:15 Math

11:10-11:25 Snack

11:30-11:50 Writing

11:50-12:10 Read Aloud

12:10-1:00 Recess/Lunch

1:00-1:15 Quiet Time

1:15-1:45 Play Based Centers

1:45-2:00 Handwriting

2:00-2:20 Free Play

2:20-2:55 Pack Up Closing Circle

2:55 Dismissal

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